El Hefe is not your average taqueria, located in downtown Chicago, we do offer very outstanding food, including amazing tacos, tortillas, gorditas and a guacamole to die for. On top of the delicious food, we offer you the best happy hour in town; whether you want to stop by for a beer or get the party on with a few Mojitos,
El Hefe is the place where you can start your party, and end it. With our western decoration and Mexican influence, our ambience is upscale and relaxed at the same time, stop by early for dinner, and stay in later for a great party any day of the week.
DRESS CODE: Men should make sure to wear a collared shirt and or sport coat to EL Hefe it’s an upscale restaurant that turns into a club, Try wearing nice shoes and avoid anything that can be considered sportswear (track jackets, jerseys, sports shoes, hats, etc). If you’re not sure if your outfit will work or not. Stick to these guidelines.
FRONT DOOR SET UP: These guys are tough walk up, be nice, line forms to the right, tables walk right in.
BEST NIGHTS TO GO:Wednesday to Sunday are all Solid, Saturday is the busiest, Sunday is The Funday
DRINK PRICES: Standard Chicago Beers $8 Range, Shots $10 Range, and Drinks upwards of $15
BOTTLE SERVICE PRICING: Check the Menu Bottles are around $350+
BEST TABLES: Tables when you walk in on the left and the ones in the right corner next to the DJ are prime